"Crowdin streamlined our translation process with a tight GitLab integration. By automatically presenting new strings to our community for translation, we’re able to save time and get our community engaged quickly. The integration also allows us to immediately present new translations in a new merge request when they get approved by our community proofreaders, helping us integrate new translations quickly. We’re big fans!"
"When the Code.org team set out with the goal of exposing 10 million students to computer science during Computer Science Education Week, internationalization wasn't even on our radar. There was simply an impossible number of things to do and our small team was focused on the US. But once we saw the international response to our promotional efforts, we knew we needed to localize, and fast! Crowdin was the clear tool of choice and the Crowdin support team was instrumental in helping make CS Ed Week a global success, with 15 million participants from over 150 countries, and available in more than 20 languages."
Brandon BloomEngineer
轻松将 Crowdin 与您的 CI 服务器、GIT、SVN、Mercurial等进行整合。将跨平台 Crowdin CLI 直接连接到您的代码库,从此不再手动处理本地化文件。