Tag: Support Teams

How to Create Multilingual Surveys: Translate Typeform Content

13 mins read

Multilingual surveys with the help of Crowdin

The main aim of multilingual surveys is to reach more people for more feedback and information. To run a multilingual survey, you’ll first need to create a base survey in one language. Then, you can translate your survey using Crowdin + Typeform integration. Once your survey, form, or quizz is translated, you’ll have a separate one in each language, so you can reach people all over the world. We’ll discuss why and how to create multilingual surveys in this article.

Multilingual Chatbot: Guide on Why and How to Localize It

12 mins read

Multilingual chatbots: why and how to localize

If you sell a product or service online, it’s likely that your customers come from more than just the country where your business is based. If your chatbot can help users with everything from purchasing to getting customer service but only speaks English, you might turn away whole groups of potential customers. It is where a multilingual chatbot comes in.

Multilingual chatbots can help businesses in many ways, from getting more leads to making more sales. But one of the most common ways to use a bot is to give excellent customer service on demand. A multilingual chatbot is a great way to do it if you want to make your business more open and accessible to new markets worldwide.

Multilingual Support: Why Do You Need It?

17 mins read

Why you need multillingual knowledbase

If you’re reading this article, you probably want to know why you need multilingual support when working with customers worldwide. You are well aware that English is the most spoken language globally. But English is in third place in terms of the number of people who speak it. At the top of this list, you can find Chinese and Spanish.

Also, Internet World Stats says that most Internet users live in China and India. And more than 1 billion people in each of these countries. In Europe, where people speak 20+ languages – the population is about 740 million. While in the US, this figure is over 330 million people. Just compare each market’s size and how many more people you can reach by adding more languages.

If your target audience is in the US or UK, you do not need to think about multilingual support. But if you have clients from Europe and other non-English-speaking countries, create appropriate language versions. The percentage of people who know English in a country may be minimal, and knowledge in other languages is an advantage. Here’s the information on why you need multilingual customer service, its benefits, and how to do it.

How Document360 Team Built an Integration With Crowdin to Offer Customers a Better Localization Experience

5 mins read

Document360 is a Knowledge Base software that helps tech companies worldwide manage and publish helpful content for their products. A few months ago, the team approached us with an idea to build an integration between our systems to simplify the localization workflows for the Document360 customers.

Read on to find out how Document360 became among the first Crowdin Apps creators and now allow customers to translate the helpful content with much less effort.

Make Your Zendesk Help Center an International Resource

5 mins read

Crowdin for Zendesk

Whether you’re a global business or have the ambition to become one, you need to find a way to help customers in their native language. A multiple language help center can become a valuable resource for self-service. Your clients will be able to find the necessary answers before they even contact your customer success team. And more, a multilanguage help center can power up your support agents and help them provide consistent personal assistance.

Integrate your Zendesk Help Center with Crowdin to seamlessly translate your helpful content. Turn it into a valuable source of knowledge for both – your global customers and your team.

Crowdin Integrates with Wix Answers to Give Your Customers Multilingual Support

3 mins read

localize help center

Integrate Wix Answers with Crowdin to manage multilingual content of your Knowledge Base and build products with smooth customer experience. Crowdin connects with Wix Answers so you could localize your help center faster and keep translations consistent across languages. Synchronize texts between the two systems to make your clients’ lives easier with the helpful content in the languages they understand.